Intelligent Robot Lab
Brown University, Providence RI


Principal Investigator

George Konidaris


Alper Ahmetoglu


David Paulius

(joint with Stefanie Tellex)

Naman Shah


Shivam Vats


PhD Students

Tuluhan Akbulut

Akhil Bagaria

Anita de Mello Koch

Trey Fawcett

Haotian Fu

Dan Haramati

Aaron Kirtland

NSF Fellow

Andrew Levy

Sam Lobel

NSF Fellow

Max Merlin

Sergio Orozco

Shane Parr

NSF Fellow

Benedict Quartey

Rafael Rodriguez-Sanchez

Benjamin Spiegel

NSF Fellow

David Tao

Skye Thompson
NSF Fellow

Saket Tiwari


Ben Abbatematteo (PhD Brown), now a postdoc at UT Austin.
Cam Allen (PhD Brown), now a postdoc at UC Berkeley.
Barrett Ames (PhD Duke), YCombinator W21, now CTO and Co-Founder, BotBuilt.
Garrett Andersen (MS Duke), now at
Lauren Bange (MS Duke), now at Google.
Matthew Berg (ScB Brown), now at Amazon Robotics.
Ben Burchfiel (PhD Duke), now a Senior Research Scientist at the Toyota Research Institute.
Jonathan Chang (ScM Brown), now a PhD student at Cornell.
Vanya Cohen (ScM Brown), now a PhD student at UT Austin.
Matt Corsaro (PhD Brown), now a Senior Machine Learning Scientist at Soft Robotics.
Samir Gadre (ScB Brown), first at Microsoft Hololens, now a PhD student at Columbia.
Omer Gottesman (postdoc), now an Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services.
Yue (Sophie) Guo (ScB Brown), now a PhD student at CMU.
Bowen He (ScM Brown), now a PhD student at Duke.
Eric Hsiung (ScM Brown), now a PhD student at UT Austin.
Steve James (PhD Witwatersrand), now a Senior Lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand.
William Jurayj (ScM Brown), now a PhD student at Johns Hopkins.
Waleed Khamies (visitor), now an intern at Mila.
Hyunsoo Kim (BS Duke), YCombinator W19, now CEO and Co-Founder, Superb AI.
Seungchan Kim (ScM Brown), now a PhD student at CMU.
Nishanth Kumar (ScB Brown), now a PhD student at MIT.
Branka Lakic (MS Duke), now at PlateIQ.
Rachel Ma (ScB Brown), now a PhD student at MIT.
Willie McClinton (visitor), now a PhD student at MIT.
Neev Parikh (ScM Brown), now at Stripe.
Jee Won (Kyra) Park (ScB Brown), now a PhD student at SFU.
Prasanna Parsatharathi (visitor), now a PhD student at McGill.
Ying Qi (BS Duke), now at Google.
Sreehari Rammoham (ScB Brown), now a PhD student at Columbia.
Eric Rosen (PhD Brown), now a Research Scientist at the Boston Dynamics AI Institute.
Josh Roy (ScM Brown), now at Cognex.
Ankit Shah (postdoc), now a Research Scientist at the Boston Dynamics AI Institute.
Seiji Shaw (ScB Brown), now a PhD student at MIT.
Matt Slivinski (ScM Brown), now a Data Scientist at Brown CCV.
Bingjie Tang (ScM Brown), now a PhD student at USC.
Shangqun Yu (ScM Brown), now a PhD student at UMass Amherst.
Renhao Zhang (ScM Brown), now a PhD student at UMass Amherst.
Kevin (Qi) Zhao (ScM Brown), now an AI research engineer at TikTok.
Paul Zhou (ScB Brown), now a PhD student at Berkeley.
Yilun Zhou (BS Duke), completed a PhD at MIT, now an Applied Scientist at Amazon.